Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The beating heart

I had an ultrasound done, today. It’s early, but the doc wanted to make sure the baby was properly positioned (and not ectopic). Everything checked out good. The baby is where it should be, and has a beating heart (at 120 bpm). The ultrasound technician was clearly relieved when she found everything where it should be.

The ultrasound machine had problems saving the video to my husband's USB thumbdrive, so I will have to wait to get the video until our next visit (about three weeks). The techinician was kind enough take a pic of the screen with her phone (which had better resolution than our phone). The little blob under the yellow dotted line is the baby, six weeks old.

UltraSound of six week old geek baby

The rash I had was almost gone, my doctor said it's probably an allergy to something. The nurse took a blood sample to check for either an infection or an allergy.